Editing Mailbox Settings

If you're looking to edit the email address that you get your notification emails to, or perhaps clean out all the old shipping addresses you're no longer using, you can do so by going to the My Account section located at the top right corner of the user interface. 

Under this section, there are 4 major places you can navigate to manage different aspects of your mailbox account. 


Under this tab, you can find your pricing tier, the plan coverage and usage of your account on a month to month basis via a graph. 

You can add credits in this page if you wish to top off your account at the top under Account Overview. This will show you your monthly incoming mail and scanned mail volume in the form of a chart. 

The next section below this is Mailbox Information: Which will detail your mailing address, the plan you're currently on, as well as a list of current usage information within the billing cycle. 

Finally, under Billing Activity, you'll find your mailbox balances, how much you started with, payments you've made since, your plan usage costs (for deposits, shipments, extra recipients, extra mail scans, etc.), and current ending balance. You can also click on the Month indicator at the top right corner of this section to view specific month's billing details and information if you want to review your records. 

Mailbox Settings

This section will allow you to manage your mail in your mailbox in depth. You can try some of our beta features, add recipients, and edit and remove shipping addresses in this section. 

At the top, you'll see some of the features that we offer for your mailbox account under Mail Management

  • Autoscan all incoming mail (beta feature): when turned on, you'll be able to get all your incoming mail to be opened and scanned without you having to log in and pick and choose mail for scanning. It's a way to make it convenient for you so you can reduce the number of times you log in to your account to submit scanning requests. 
  • E-mail me a PDF document of each new scan (beta feature): when you turn on this feature, you'll receive email notifications once your mail is scanned with a PDF attachment of your scan. *Please note that if the PDF attachment is too large for your email server to capture, it may not go through. Should this happen, you will need to log into your mailbox account to view your mail.
  • Include the envelope in the scanned PDF:  Some users wish to have a copy of the envelope along with the scanned mail content together. If you turn on this setting, you'll be able to download both envelope image as well as the content of your mail in one file. 

Next, you'll see your list of Active Recipients - you can add more recipient names directly in your mailbox account under this section. 

Towards the bottom of this section, you'll find your current list of Shipping Addresses. Here, you can click on current shipping addresses you have listed in your mailbox to edit (pencil icon) or remove them (trash icon). If you have old addresses you wish to remove from your mailbox account to de-clutter your list of addresses when creating a shipment - you can do that from this page. 

My Profile

This section will allow you to edit your email address where you get your notifications sent to managing your login password and secret question (in case you forget your password). 

Payment Information

This is the last section you'll find under My Account. Under this page, you will be able to update the payment card that you have on file for your payments. 

You can only add 1 card to be on file - so if your card expiration changes, or if you wish to put a new credit/debit card on file, select the option to edit your payment (pencil icon) here and add your new card details in this page.

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