Extending Mail Storage

Each mail or package that arrives in your account has a guaranteed storage of 60 days for free. This gives you 2 months to take action on those items. 

To make sure that you do not overlook items that may expire, we will now send you notifications 14 days prior to the items expiring.  Expiring items will show up in the Expiring Soon folder.  In this folder, you will have the ability to extend mail storage for up to a maximum of 180 days (around 6 months).

Is there a cost to extending storage?

Yes. You can increase the period of storage in 30 day increments up to 4 times in your account for a total of 180 days of storage at our facility. Rates are listed here: User Support Pricing Details

As you make your selection of items to extend storage, the interface will provide you a quote with the total cost towards the added storage time. 

What happens to my expired mail and packages?

When mail expires, the physical mail piece will no longer be available.  You will no longer be able to scan the mail contents or forward the mail.  

The expired mail item will be moved to the  Archived folder automatically.  Physical mail is then trashed and shredded on-site.  Packages are trashed in the trash bin. 

I get enough notifications as is, can I opt out of receiving these expiration notices?

Not yet. This is something we will plan to roll out soon. If you do not wish to receive notifications of expiring items, you can take these steps to reduce this email notification from reaching you by doing one of the following actions:

  • Archive or trash the mail once you decide you do not need to ship the item to yourself
  • Ship the item
  • Deposit checks
  • Create an email filter to trash those mail notifications.  You can match it based on our notification email and subject line.

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