Are there restrictions to shipping certain things?

The short answer is yes. 

There are restricted items that we simply cannot ship for both domestic and international scenarios.  While we do not have the entire list, here are common items that we've encountered:

Medicine and Prescription Medication

Prescription medication normally should be mailed from the pharmacy directly to the patient.  This is because pharmacies have specialized licenses to ship medication out to those that have been prescribed.

Pharmacies in most instances will not ship medication internationally as they do not have proper export licenses for individual consumption. We do not have these licenses either, so we urge you not to ship your prescriptions to VPM for reshipping domestically / internationally.

If you do need to ship medicines, then you should first contact your country's customs or post office to determine what is needed to get medication shipped for personal use.  They may allow you to import medication if you are able to provide certain documents or permits.  It is your responsibility to ensure that you obtain the proper documents for importing such items (even for returns). We will not ship medication otherwise

Hemp Based Products (CBD/THC)

Shipping hemp based products require the hemp content to be below a certain percentage to be considered legally shippable.  Our service is not in the industry of the sales of these products, so we do not have the proper knowledge required to reship these products.  Additionally, interstate shipping of such products is likely illegal as it is no longer a state matter but a federal one.  

You should ship hemp based products directly to yourself.  See Controlled Substances and Drugs for detailed information about shipping Medicine, Controlled Substance, and Prescription Medication.


Shipping Alcohol has restrictions that are specific to each state, so depending on the state and its laws you may or may not be able to ship items within the state or even out to other states. As we do not hold a specific license to ship or re-ship alcohol, we cannot process this through our service. 

Before you make purchases and send items to your VPM address, we recommend that you double check what can be reshipped.

Should VPM find prohibited items in your shipping request, we will contact you with options that you may pursue. Unfortunately, we cannot catch all restricted items during the processing of orders. If this is the issue that causes your shipment to return or delay in customs we may be able to initiate inquiries for you; however, you are responsible for providing proper documentation for the claims to go through.   No refunds are provided in this case.

Hazardous Items 

Similarly to alcohol and medicinal products, we do not have the proper licenses to mail packages containing hazardous materials. If we receive a package that has hazardous labels, we will not accept it from the courier because we are unable to mail it out on your behalf. Additionally, our facilities are not set up to store these types of packages. 

Domestically Prohibited Items

These items may not be sent in U.S. mail:
  • Air Bags
  • Ammunition
  • Explosives
  • Gasoline
  • Marijuana (medical or otherwise)

Internationally Prohibited Items

These items may not be sent from the United States to any country:
  • Aerosols
  • Air Bags
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Ammunition
  • Cigarettes
  • Dry Ice
  • Explosives
  • Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
  • Gasoline
  • Marijuana (medical or otherwise)
  • Nail Polish
  • Perfumes (containing alcohol)
  • Poisons

Countries may have their own prohibitions and restrictions.  Please make sure to check each country's import rules before shipping anything.

Additional Resources

Domestic Shipping Prohibitions & Restrictions

International Shipping Prohibitions & Restrictions

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