What mail content gets scanned and what doesn't?
What is covered in my scanning request?
Our trained Mail Scanners will always scan the important contents of your letters. Most mail will come with less than 10 pages. This is the reason why we define our "1 scan" or "per scan" to be "scanning of the contents of one mail piece up to 10 single-side pages."
To help you not get billed for pages that are not relevant to you, we will remove certain types of pages from the scan. The types of content that we exclude are:
- Blank un-numbered pages, or un-numbered pages that state "intentionally left blank".
- Included advertisements in credit card statements (especially if it exceeds the 10 page limit).
- Terms / Policy for credit cards. Since they are lengthy and can be found online for free, we will not scan them.
- Books, booklets or bound materials. Per our terms of service, we do not scan bound materials.
- CD, DVDs, and other electronic media. We can all agree that these are not really scannable items.
Finally there are documents that we scan in its entirety such as:
- Legal documents from the state / courts
- Insurance policy (if you ever request for them to be scanned)
Most of the time, you will be able to gauge the volume of pages in scans by looking at the weight indicated on the envelope or package. The weight is shown when you hover your mouse pointer over the mail piece in your online mailbox.
How can I determine the number of pages in my mail?
Without opening up the mail, neither you or us will know exactly how many pages there are inside the mail piece. However, here are some suggested guidelines:
- 1 oz letters are almost always less than 10 pages.
- 2 oz letters can indicate that the mail
- contains a credit / debit card that added extra weight; and/or
- contains more papers, which adds to the weight and the potential to go over 10 pages but will likely never go over 20 pages. In general, most of these are less than 10 pages.
- 3+ oz letters will usually indicate that the document is almost guaranteed to be over 10 pages in length.
Is there a way to avoid extra page scans?
Aside from our team avoiding to scan blank pages, advertisements, and omitting terms / policy of credit cards that are commonly found online, we will scan everything in an envelope if you submit a scanning request online.
We understand that once you start seeing extra scan fees of $0.25/page charges (per pricing structure), this can quickly add up. So right now, when our team hits a document containing more than 30 pages, we will reach out to you to confirm if you would like to have the document scanned in its entirety. We set our notification at this limit because that's normally when it's more economical to ship the mail out domestically rather than having us scan the entire document.
Another way to avoid getting your heavier envelope items scanned without racking up the extra page scan is to email customer support a request to flag the envelope item in question to only scan the first 10 pages. When you do this, you will need to include the 12-digit item number (11x77xxxxxxx) of your envelope, so we can tag the item physically in our warehouse. Once we do this, customer support will manually submit your scanning request for you online.