Can I use my mailbox address on my Driver License?
Yes, you can use your VPM mailbox address as the mailing address for DMV when you're renewing or updating an existing driver license. This mailing address will be used to mail you your new driver license. This has been verified by our own staff as well as our customers. The address can be used for receiving your license renewals as well as your car registrations.
You cannot use a mailbox address to obtain a NEW driver license, such as when you want to get a new license issued by another state. Obtaining a new driver license in a new state requires that you submit proof of residence in the state, which a mailbox address will not satisfy.
You can possibly use it as your address on your driver license. There may be restrictions by the DMV on whether you can update your address on the license to be an out-of-state address. So if you want to put in your California mailbox address on your New York driver license, this may or may not work. The reason is that in most cases, you have an out-of-state address because you have moved permanently to that new state. This move would require you to obtain a new license in that state.
However, there are exceptional circumstances. For example, if you were to go to an out-of-state college for four years, you may be able to update your address to an out-of-state address and still keep your current state's license. This is valid because you expect to be out-of-state temporarily and have intentions to return back to your origin state.
Overall, every person's situation is different, so it's not a guarantee that you'll always be able to update your license to an out-of-state address. The best way is to go to the DMV in your current state to update the address in person.