Can I customize email scan notification subject line?

Yes, you have the ability to change the subject lines of the automated emails we send you. The subject line can be customized in a few simple steps:

  1. In your online mailbox portal, go to My Account -> Mailbox Settings.
  2. Click on "Customize Subject" under "Mail Management".
  3. There will be a few buttons that you can click on to customize the subject line, such as:
    • Description
      • If you make use of the "Autoscan all incoming mail" feature, you will not be able to include any description in the subject. Your mail will be scanned before you have a chance to enter that description. Therefore, if you wish to include the description in the subject, you will need to enter the description and then manually submit your scan request.
    • Date Received
    • Mailbox Number
    • Mailbox City
    • Mailbox State

The customization works best when the subject itself is fixed to a specific set pattern.

  1. Click on "Save Changes" if you are happy with the preview of the update. Otherwise, you can press on "Cancel".


Could I have a scan title that is different based on the recipient of the mail piece?

This is not possible yet. There is no way for us to determine the name the mail is addressed to as we do not extract this information from the mail envelope. A possible workaround is integrating with a third party service or using our API. If you are interested in these options, reach out to our customer support team and they will assist you.

Another option is hiring one of our Virtual Assistants to handle this back office task. Click here to discover the world of TruAssist.

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