Do you accept personal shopper deliveries?

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept deliveries that are placed through personal shopper services, such as:

  • Instacart 
  • Walmart+
  • Doordash

These types of deliveries oftentimes arrive at our facility un-sealed (ie. in plastic bags) and are left outside our office without attendance. This leads to major issues as the grocery bags do not have any identifying information for recipients in most instances. The delivered items may also not be exactly what you ordered; there may be substituted items, missing items, etc.  

To ensure that packages are delivered to you properly and that items are not tampered with before they are in our possession, we recommend that you purchase through websites that will ship your items in boxes. The shipping information should also contain a recipient name listed in your mailbox and a mailbox number.
Should our on-site staff member catch any delivery attempts by an individual, we will ask the driver whom the order is for and if they can find the details. We will also proceed to let them know that the order cannot be accepted here, and ask them to return it as it's not packaged properly (sealed). 
Despite our efforts in doing so, it has been our experience that the delivery person will still leave the order outside the door as they will not get paid should delivery be rejected. In such cases, we will not have sufficient information to place the order into a mailbox account and will trash the order since there is no way to return this.

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